Case Study

Oma Fertility builds brand momentum with the help of Kicksaw

Oma Fertility builds brand momentum with the help of Kicksaw


Oma Fertility is a national chain of fertility clinics working to reduce barriers of cost and accessibility to fertility care. They specialize in leveraging robotics and Artificial Intelligence to improve outcomes for IVF, servicing both heterosexual and homosexual partners looking to start a family. In a field with so much minutiae, Oma Fertility has set themselves apart by developing proprietary AI tools to alleviate the more manual parts of the IVF process that require human intervention, effectively reducing costs, striving for greater odds, and expediting the fertilization process. Most recently, they’ve launched a new innovation known as Oma Sperm InSight, which uses AI to select the most viable sperm for fertilization.


PRODUCTS USED: Experience Cloud, Sales Cloud, Health Cloud, Service Cloud, Digital Engagement

Angela Ha, Senior Director of Product for Oma Fertility, analyzes the business side of their practice, searching for ways their team can measure, deliver, and scale a better experience for their patients. Achieving this comes down to improved processes and technology, two areas she’s often assessing for areas of improvement, the well-being of her customers front of mind.


As a two-year-old brand, Oma Fertility knew they had a reputation to build, especially in a field as sensitive as fertility. More than insight into a sales funnel, Oma needed to honestly gauge their patients’ experiences and how they could be improved. Ha shared that compared to other service-based industries, the medical field has a much larger range of experiences, and therefore, it would be harder to quantify the feedback, requiring finesse to find the delicate balance each individual patient needed to feel cared for. While the tools and care they provide have been highly praised by their customers thus far, without a reliable way to trace their patient’s satisfaction, they couldn’t continue to operate on a level of constant improvement and innovation that the clinic has become known for.

“I think you can’t prove it until you measure it,” said Ha. “So, that’s the first thing we engaged Kicksaw on: the creation of an NPS survey, a custom one that is effectively triggered by specific points in the Oma patient journey.”


Oma first worked with Kicksaw to build out and implement Salesforce as the CRM solution for their business. This offered visibility into each couple’s movement through the sales cycle, which they like to think more of as “the patient journey.” Beyond the numbers, Oma was interested in sentiments, areas for potential advancement to make their patience feel better cared for and more secure. Once the Salesforce instance was in place, Oma worked with Kicksaw to develop an NPS survey to be triggered during the regular patient’s cycle. They’re currently rocking a 77 as a rolling 90-day average. “I am quite proud that we have a high score as a healthcare company,” Ha said. “But at the same time, we’ve also implemented some logic where if we do get a negative result or we do get more negative feedback, now we have the ability to actually have a trigger that will send them to our customer advocacy team to then follow up and [ask]: why did they have a bad experience? How can we make it better for them, but also for future patients?”

In order to translate positive patient sentiments into positive word-of-mouth for their burgeoning clinics, Oma added variances to the NPS survey, prompting those who scored their satisfaction at a 9 or 10 (on a scale of 0-10) to complete a Google Business Review for their location.

“As a new clinic, it’s actually very important to establish yourself and have good reviews — we started with one clinic in Santa Barbara, and as of last year, we’ve spun up five clinics across the country. Thanks to this redirect feature we created, we actually got our first Google Business review, and thankfully a 5 star one, for our New York clinic. There’s definitely a measurable business impact to having those good reviews. Because we are new, it’s even more important, because these are the first reviews that are going to be seen by potential customers.”

With the help of Kicksaw, Oma was able to build, grow, and promote their shining reputation — tools that have helped them leverage the power of reviews to make parenthood possible for more aspiring families.

Thanks to this redirect feature we created, we actually got our first Google Business review, and thankfully a 5 star one, for our New York clinic. There’s definitely a measurable business impact to having those good reviews. Because we are new, it’s even more important, because these are the first reviews that are going to be seen by potential customers.

Angela Ha, Senior Director of Product