Case Study

SBMA Benefits brings unity to their internal systems with the help of Kicksaw

SBMA Benefits brings unity to their internal systems with the help of Kicksaw


SBMA Benefits is a third-party administrator of health insurance that specializes in ACA-compliant medical plans. Their team works with businesses to implement full health benefit suites for their employees. Now 8 years into operation, SBMA maintains a staff of 100-200 employees.


PRODUCTS USED: Sales Cloud, Experience Cloud, Service Cloud Voice, Amazon Connect, AWS, External Integrations

SBMA’s pre-existing CRM solution proved to lack the sophistication their growing company needed to stay competitive in their market. Tricia Crivello, Chief Operating Officer for SBMA, began researching solutions that could offer more robust features, and quickly selected Salesforce as the company’s new software champion. Based on her wishlist of functionality, her Salesforce representative recommended she reach out to an implementation consultant, and mentioned Kicksaw as the best team for the job. Now, Tricia counts Kicksaw as “one of the best things that has happened” to her company.


“Salesforce is an animal and you really need an expert to build it,’” said Tricia. “You can’t get Salesforce and just build it on your own. You really need an implementation consultant company to aid you with that.”

Once a relationship was established, the Kicksaw team jumped in full-force to build SBMA’s Salesforce instance from scratch. The company wanted to streamline their pre-existing processes and consolidate a cohesive map for all their internal systems, in order to make daily tasks more accessible for both their clients and employees.

The goal was to unite the several disparate systems used across various departments within the company, allowing for better task tracking, a smoother user experience, and the opportunity to get the entire team on the same page by consolidating their individual solutions’ data under one system.


Kicksaw began by building the structure of SBMA’s Salesforce instance with consideration to their various existing departmental solutions, mapping the features each team required to create a logical path through which departmental data could be translated and shared. Previously disconnected systems and functionality were united in one fell swoop, immediately improving the coordination and communication between departments and the company as a whole.  

SBMA also elevated their sales processes by moving their phone system to Salesforce, adding phone queues and transcripting capabilities to their salespeople’s tool boxes via Service Cloud Voice. Paired with automated task reminders prompting employees to reach out or follow up with clients, insights into employee availability and call tracking were far more robust and readily available. Their sales staff can now access client information, capture feedback collected on their calls, and export reports to track their sales pipeline and check client statuses from one system.

Kicksaw also implemented single sign-on (SSO) capabilities for SBMA’s third party brokers — now, these members can log in once and transfer between portals without switching systems, saving time and effort.

Tricia shared that she appreciated not only Kicksaw’s industry knowledge and implementation prowess, but also their unique willingness to investigate more niche requests and find ways to bring them to fruition. “I’m not a person that’s like, ‘I love this company, or I love this vendor,’”  said Tricia. “It’s really Kicksaw and the people we’ve worked with there that really shows how amazing they are.”

After 15 years of vetting and working with vendors, Tricia says Kicksaw is “by far the best.” Over the years, Tricia’s watched vendors sell big visions, then fail to deliver on those promises, either because they didn’t understand the business’ needs, lagged with their follow-ups, or forgot key requests and details over the course of the project, leaving her feeling misunderstood and underserved.

Kicksaw, on the other hand, has offered Tricia a resoundingly positive experience, exceeding her business’ needs at every stage of implementation, and meeting on a weekly basis to check in, adjust, and ensure all projects stay aligned with SBMA’s vision. “I’m honestly going to miss them when we are finally all implemented, because I truly love working with them,” she shared. “They stay on top of our requests, their staff is so intelligent, kind, and friendly, and can really do anything we ask.”

I’m honestly going to miss [my Kicksaw team] when we are finally all implemented, because I truly love working with them. They stay on top of our requests, their staff is so intelligent, kind, and friendly, and can really do anything we ask.”

Tricia Crivello, Chief Operating Officer