Case Study

SignWell relies on Kicksaw to provide scalability and security

SignWell relies on Kicksaw to provide scalability and security


SignWell is an electronic signature tool for legally binding esignatures and faster document signing, with over 61,000 customers. They're a rapidly growing company that can't afford to be held back by suboptimal Salesforce operations. So they came to Kicksaw.


SignWell came to Kicksaw at a critical point in its growth trajectory. Its application infrastructure, all built on a single Amazon Web Services instance, wasn’t able to handle increasing traffic and was limiting the ability to scale the business. Additionally, SignWell’s goal of achieving SOC 2 compliance was proving difficult because the databases, workers, and application servers all resided within a single AWS box. To top it all off, new functionality that SignWell wanted to offer to their customers wasn’t feasible because guaranteed SLAs couldn’t be established with the current technical infrastructure.


Kicksaw’s Fractional Engineering Operations team worked collaboratively with SignWell to modernize its technology stack through an agile, iterative process. Services were separated: the data stack was moved to Amazon’s Relational Data Service, the caching layer was migrated to a separate 3P application, and dependencies between the SignWell application and its dependent Sidekiq workers were removed. Kicksaw helped organize authentication protocols by collecting and storing secrets in AWS SecretsManager, and we also helped migrate the application infrastructure to an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud for increased security, built a continuous integration/deployment pipeline, and put all application and workers resources into Amazon Elastic Cloud Services to provide a scalable solution that can support future growth.


After working with Kicksaw to successfully modernize its technical infrastructure, SignWell was ready to support future business growth, deliver more value to customers by adding new functionality, and confidently pursue SOC 2 compliance certification.

Kicksaw quickly reviewed our infrastructure and came back with a detailed plan to help us scale and keep up with growing demand. They also were key in helping us improve our security and other technical requirements to successfully attain SOC 2 Type 2 and HIPAA compliance. Kicksaw’s experience and technical ability was invaluable during these major company initiatives.

Ruben Gamez, Founder